Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mom's Night Out - Dinner and The Comedy Spot

Five NMG moms began a fun evening out with dinner at Pete’s Restaurant and Brewhouse downtown. We had a delicious meal along with some interesting people watching opportunities! From there, we headed to Sacramento Comedy Spot’s swanky new midtown location. First up was Comedy from the Couch. Which was exactly as it sounds...three comedians sitting on a couch drinking beer. Each got up to take their turn at some stand-up comedy. They gave us some good laughs. The place completely filled up for the second show which was called the Anti-Cooperation League. It was an hour-long improv show based solely on the contents of a couple of audience members’ purses and wallets. We all managed to escape being brought up to the stage to have our purses gone through. One of our NMG moms (okay it was me) had even fleeced her purse before heading to the show in absolute fear that she would be dragged up on stage. The improv was hilarious and kept the audience roaring with laughter!

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